Our ongoing charges

There are two types of ongoing investment solutions available and the ongoing charges are different under each solution. The two solutions are detailed further within the separate Adviser Investment Process document.

Subject to the following Minimum Annual Charge
Ongoing Proposition% of ChargeMoney Tree BronzeMoney Tree SilverMoney Tree GoldMoney Tree Platinum
Outsourced Investment Solution0.60%None£750 per annum£1,500 per annum£3,000 per annum
Advisory Portfolios0.75%None£750 per annum£1,500 per annum£4,000 per annum
Please Note:
• The amount of our annual ongoing charges may increase as the size of your fund grows.
• In some circumstances we may receive ongoing payments (commission) from product providers relating to existing investments you hold. Such payments may be taken into account when determining the charges for ongoing services. We will discuss and agree this with you where relevant.

* Please note this only relates to investors where at least 75% of portfolio value is based upon an Outsourced Investment Solution otherwise an adviser charge of 0.75% will be incurred.

Payment of ongoing charges can be made either by:

  1. A regular fee, paid by standing order
  2. By deduction from your investment(s) on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis, where the product / platform provider is able to offer this facility

Ongoing services can be cancelled at any time by simply informing us in writing but please note that we reserve the right to charge you for services provided prior to cancellation.

Please click here to view examples of our fees.